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Horses: Purebred vs. Thoroughbred
A Thoroughbred is a breed of horse and should be capitalized when used. A purebred is any breed of horse whose dam and sire are the same breed. The Thoroughbred horse was developed in the 17th and 18th centuries. It was bred for speed, strength and stamina to compete in horse racing. While used today […]
War Horse (Movie)
In 2011, Steven Spielberg directed a film called War Horse, starring Jeremy Irvine, Emily Watson and David Thewlis. The film is based on a novel by the same name, written by British author Michael Morpurgo. The movie follows the fortunes of a horse named Joey and his special relationship with a boy named Albert, who […]
Anthropomorphism of the Family Pet
Anthropomorphism is the humanization of the non-human, and more people are treating their pets as part of the family. The pet industry is growing in leaps and bounds, the number of pet-owning Americans continues to rise and the number of vets is on the rise too. According to the American Animal Hospital Association, today’s pet […]