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Ear Care for Dogs
Check your dog’s ears once a week, more fequently for dogs with long or folded ears. There are cleansing pads to clean ear flaps, solutions for cleaning the ear canal, ear powder to keep ears dry, mitacides, even a otoscope to check ears. To clean your dogs ears, put a small amount of cleaning solution […]
Cat Cavities
Cavities in cats are different from those in humans. They are called Felilne Odontoclastic Resorptive Lesions (FORL). Unlike humans’ cavities, FORLs occur starting on the sides of teeth at the gumline. Bone-eating cells destroy the tooth and eat their way down to the root. They are hard to see as they are covered by gum […]
Long-Term Cancer Survivors and Their Stories
Having experienced cancer with 3 of my furpals, I understand the range of emotions we face. The initial feelings of devastation and hopelessness give way to thoughts and actions of how we can help our best friends fight this beast. We must remember too, that pets live in the moment – they leave the worrying […]