Following is a list of some of the neurological problems pets can face.
Encephalitis (brain infection)
Stroke – Caused by bleeding into the brain
Brain Tumors and Abcesses
Muscular Dystrophy – Progressive degeneration of skeletal muscles
Degenerative Myelopathy – Progressive loss of coordination beginning in hind quarters, resulting eventually in paralysis
Necrotic Myelopathy
Epilepsy – Brain disorder with periodic seizures
Narcolepsy – Episodes of sudden deep sleep
Myasthenia Gravis – Deficiency of a neurotransmitter, acetycholine, causing muscle weakness and odd gait, made worse with exercise
Spondylosis – Bone spurs (osteophytes) that form around intervertebral discs with aging
Tick Paralysis – A toxin in some ticks’ saliva affecting motor nerves causing weakness and paralysis
Ivermectin Sensitivity
Syringomyelia – Formation of cyst in spinal cord, destroying center of cord causing pain, stiffness and weakness