Greening Your Horse

American Quater Horse

We always try to do our best for our pets and that includes the environment. Here are some tips on ways to keep your horse’s environment green and helping our own as well.

  • Recycle bottles, buckets, soda cans and any disposables.
  • Replace light bulbs with fluorescents or LEDs. They last longer and save energy.
  • Be careful not to leave water running unnecessarily.
  • Use solar-powered chargers on fences.
  • Put up fences near wet areas, waterways to keep horses away and preventing contamination from manure.
  • Pull weeds and mow early in the season before they become unmanageable.
  • Plant shrubs/trees to create a wind barrier around the horse arena.
  • Remain on trails when riding to avoid upsetting the wilderness ecosystem.

These are just some inexpensive ways to help our planet.

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