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Golden Angelfish
Males are 4 in., females 3.1 in. This fish is shy and will hide if there are any other busy or aggressive fish in the tank. It can be difficult to get eating at first and will occasionally refuse to eat until it dies. However, once successfully acclimated it is a hardy fish. It is […]
Movie/TV Cowboys and Their Horses
In the heyday of the Western, the horses cowboys rode were as famous as their riders. Hopalong Cassidy played by William Boyd rode a white Arabian stallion named Topper. Hopalong’s original horse was King Nappy, but when injured, Topper took over. Clayton Moore played the part of “The Lone Ranger” in early TV. Many of […]
Pets for Senior Citizens
Living with a pet is always a positive experience. And for senior citizens, having a pet effectively increases good health benefits. Pet owners are generally more active because their pets require it. Dog owners in particular must walk their dogs and both benefit from the exercise. Pets give senior citizens emotional support, especially those who […]