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Fire Belly Toad
The Fire Belly Toad is native to southern and southeastern Asia. They make good pets for beginners. Fire Belly Toads are about 2 inches long. Lifespan is about 10-15 years. Most have green and black backs, but there are some that are brown. They were given the name Fire Belly because of the vivid orange […]
Greek Tortoise
The Greek Tortoise habitats include Southern Spain, Northern Africa, Eastern Europe and the Middle East. They can be found from dunes at the seashore to mountain steppes, usually in hot, arid climates. They will dig burrows when summer temperatures are too hot or in winter, too cold. These Tortoises are shy critters, but once they […]
Eastern Box Turtle
What are some facts about the Eastern Box Turtle? The Eastern Box Turtle is native to the U.S. and can be found from Massachusetts to northern Florida, west to the Mississippi and north to the Great Lakes. They are 5-6 inches in length and can live 20-30 years or more. The Eastern Box Turtle is […]