Deana and Angel Grimace

My mom, who loved Grimace also very much, saw one. On the day I let him go, she saw snow on her porch melted around in a shape of a heart. She said she immediately knew Grimace is okay.

My mom had another sign yesterday. She and I were talking about making a garden in the springtime–Grimace’s Garden. I told her two days ago that I definitely want purple flowers in it. Anyway, she said she walked into a restaurant to pick up an order and she said she was standing out the counter and she said something caught her attention out of the corner of her eye…she looked over and there was a beautiful arrangement of purple flowers. I know it may sound silly, but she said she thought of Grimace right away. I personally haven’t seen a sign, but my mother says that I am too sad to see them right now, so he sends them to her so that I get them. My mom loved Grimace a lot, too and he adored her.

Even though my mom was all happy about this–I was skeptical because at that point it was only a week later and I am still really struggling with faith. Today will be two weeks since my Grimace left. It’s still very, very hard. I always miss him. I wanted to share this with you all.

Last Wednesday, I went to my aunt’s house because she was cleaning out some stuff from my paternal grandmother’s apartment (She has to go to another facility for rehab and told us kids to come down and get whatever we wanted because she can’t take everything to the other center).. Anyway, my dad passed away in 2005–and for the past two weeks, my mom has been saying, Grimace is with your dad. It’s okay. He will take care of him. Okay, so I go in there and get some pictures and stuff and my aunt says, “Deana, before I forget, there’s a bag over there and it has your dad’s baby sweater in it, if you want it.” So, of course, I wanted to take it home, so I open it and it was the cutest little blue baby sweater and something falls to the floor…I reach down to get it and see that it’s a little bib with it. I open the bib and what’s on it? Nothing but a small little dog. My mom yelled, “SEE!!!!?? They are together!”

The weird thing is that I had never been to my aunt’s new place-I almost told her no about coming over because I didn’t feel like doing anything and she almost forgot about the baby sweater….it’s weird that I even opened it to get it. I know it might be slight, but I don’t know…it did make me feel better,
even though my mom was yelling and carrying on about it. Anyway, just thought I would share.

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