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Reiki for Pets
What is Reiki? Reiki is a Japanese technique for reducing stress and promoting healing through relaxation. Reiki is actually two Japanese words. Rei means “God’s Wisdom or the Higher Power” and Ki means “life force energy.” It is practiced by the “laying on of hands.” The idea is that if our life force energy is […]
Choosing the Right Small Animal
You may have already decided that a small animal fits your lifestyle and personality, but are not quite sure which type of small animal is right for you. You need to consider not how a pet can fit round your life, but whether you can alter your life around what your pet needs. Some things […]
Hairballs in Rabbits
We’ve all heard about cats and hairballs, but did you know that rabbits can suffer from them as well. When rabbits groom themselves, they ingest some of the loose hair which often remains in the stomach. Rabbits cannot vomit as cats can, so the hair accumulates and can form a mass in the stomach called […]