Most dogs enjoy riding in cars. They are delighted to be out with their best friend, seeing sights and hearing sounds that are new and interesting. But there are dangerous situations which can turn deadly while driving with your dog. It may look cute to see a dog hanging out of a car window, seemingly […]

Motion Sickness in pets
You love your pet, but whenever you go driving or boating, your pet starts to feel sick and may throw up. However as soon as the car ride or boating stops your pet starts to feel okay again. If this is the case, your pet might be suffering from motion sickness although this is rare. […]

Moving to a New Home With Your Pet
We can all find it stressful to move to a new home and pets are no exception. Cats in particular don’t like change. But there are things you can do to make the move less stressful. When choosing a new home, take your pet into consideration. Too many people find themselves unable to care for […]

Dog Kennels and Crates
Kennels and Crates are used to confine a dog. Although it may seem cruel sometimes, training a dog to go to its kennel/crate can be a positive experience offering your dog a place of shelter and comfort. If you go to work or have to away from home for any length of time, they give […]

Geocaching with Dogs
Geocaching is a word meaning geography (geo) and caching (hiding something). Geocaching consists of hiding a container at a specific spot and using GPS coordinates to locate it. Many participants in geocaching bring their dogs along to enjoy hunting the treasure and using the time for play and bonding. The caches are hidden in both […]

ASPCA-Safe Air Travel with Pets
Traveling away from familiar places can be very stressful for a pet. Air travel in particular can cause anxiety, especially if your pet must go into the cargo hold, a strange place, and will not be able to see you for several hours. Unless your pet is small enough to fit under your seat in […]

Pet Carriers
The type of carrier you choose depends on your needs…and the size of your pet. Obviously, dogs weighing more than 25 lbs. can be difficult to haul around in a carrier. Of course you can always get a wagon to pull your 150-200 lbs. Mastiff. Actually there are airline carriers made for large dogs who […]

Vacation With Your Pet Bird
Summertime is the time when most people take their vacations. The weather is usually cooperative and after a year of dealing with study for the kids, work for you and dealing with harsh weather, it’s time for a break. But what to do with the bird. You can board the bird and that may be […]

Choosing a Dog Walker/Pet Sitter
In choosing a dog walker/pet sitter, you are entrusting your beloved pet to someone else. It’s important to choose the right one for you and your pet. You can find a dog walker/pet sitter by asking your vet, through the recommendation of a friend, the humane society, pet rescue organizations or your dog trainer. Check […]

Where can I take my dog on vacation?
Vacation time can be anytime, the time we all look forward to. Here are some ideas for vacationing with your dog. Wherever you decide to go, check beforehand to make sure pets are allowed. And some places have restrictions on size of dog, so get all the information you can. If your dog hasn’t traveled […]