Cat Care Cat Health

Keep Your Kitty Cool in Summer

Cats are usually smart enough to find the coolest places to rest in when temperatures soar. But they too can suffer from the effects of summer heat. You can help your cat avoid heatstroke or sunburn by keeping him indoors in a cool area on extremely hot days. If it’s impossible to keep your cat […]

Cat Health

How to Tell if Your Cat is Sick

Cats, like most animals, tend to protect themselves by trying to hide illness. And since our languages are different, they can’t tell us where it hurts. But there are signs to look for that indicate illness. Some more subtle signs are unexplained weight loss or gain, weakness, poor coat condition, more lethargic than usual or […]

Cat Articles Cat Health

How do you treat hairballs in cats?

My cat seems to suffer from hairballs a lot. I feed her food that is supposed to reduce them, but it doesn’t seem to have any affect. Is there something that I can do to prevent hairballs? Is there something to do for her when she starts heaving? If you want to impress your vet […]

Cat Health Diseases Affecting Multiple Species Dog Health


Giardia is a parasite, a protozoa (one-celled organism) that lives in the small intestine of cats and dogs (it affects humans too). Giardia are present throughout the U.S. and other parts of the world. Infestation usually occurs when water containing fecal matter of fish and other animals is ingested. Contaminated food can also be a […]

Cat Articles Cat Health Cat Products

Cat Prebiotics: VIYO

Viyo is a prebiotic drink that helps to reinforce the natural resistance of cats and dogs. Viyo can be best compared with Actimel or Yakult for humans. As with humans, 70% of the natural defence system of a dog or cat is located in the intestines. Healthy intestinal functioning is therefore crucial to strong resistance. […]

Cat Health

Cat Cavities

Cavities in cats are different from those in humans. They are called Felilne Odontoclastic Resorptive Lesions (FORL). Unlike humans’ cavities, FORLs occur starting on the sides of teeth at the gumline. Bone-eating cells destroy the tooth and eat their way down to the root. They are hard to see as they are covered by gum […]

Cat Health General Animal Welfare New

Vaccine May Reduce Feral Cat Population

A five year study of a vaccine funded by the Morris Animal Foundation was performed at the University of Florida. The vaccine, GonaCon looks promising to help control feral cat populations. GonaCon seems to be an effective, long-acting contraceptive that is non-lethal and non-invasive. It was developed at the USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection […]

Biology Cat Health Homepage Slider

Why Do Cats Like Fish?

Historical accounts claim that the Egyptians, the first people to domesticate cats, lured them into their homes with offers of fish. That’s supposed to be how they developed the taste for fish. Anyone with a fish tank often observes the pet cat, tail twitching, stalking the fish. Cats are obligate carnivores meaning they must eat […]

Cat Health Dog Health Pet Health

When a Pet is Contagious

The best way to avoid the spread of contagious diseases is to keep the pet separated from other pets in the household. Start with a trip to your veterinarian so you know what disease you are dealing with and how it can affect other pets. You probably will be directed to an examination room when […]

Cat Health

Cat to Cat Bites

Cat fights accompanied by injuries are common, particularly in cats that go outdoors or live there. Since cats have an enormous amount of bacteria in their mouths, bites can be serious, often developing into severe infections and abscesses. The wounds usually heal quickly, scabbing over, leaving no exit route for the bacteria. The white blood […]