Animal Welfare Holidays Cat Articles Holidays

National Cat Day, October 29th

National Cat Day is being celebrated October 29th. The goal of National Cat Day is to encourage people to adopt cats as pets from local shelters. Estimates given are that shelters receive about 4 million cats annually and euthanize between 1-2 million yearly. If you are already owned by a cat or several cats, consider […]

Adoption Cat Articles Dog Articles

Choosing a Breeder

You’ve done your research and decided a certain breed of dog or cat fits your personality and lifestyle. Now it’s time to search for a reputable breeder. You can start by getting referrals from people you trust – a veterinarian, close friends, a trainer or breed organizations. Then your are ready to visit and tour […]

Biology Cat Articles New

Cats – Orange Males, Calico Females

We’ve always been led to believe that orange-colored cats are always males and calico or tortoise cats are female. We discovered that while most orange cats are male the ratio is 80% male 20% female. Years back, we even had an orange-colored female cat. Calico cats are tri-colored while tortoise-shell cats sport 2 colors, orange […]

All Pets Cat Articles Dog Articles Endangered Species General Cat Articles General Dog Articles

Domestic Animals Living in the Wild

Domestication of animals is a process that began in prehistoric times. Domesticated animals have been cared for by humans for so long that their habits have been modified to fit life in captivity. But what happens to animals who are abandoned or lost and end up in the wild? Can domestic animals survive without the […]

Cat Articles Cat Health Feline Cancer

What’s New in Cancer Treatment for Cats

Although cancer is the leading cause of death in cats, they cannot be treated safely with many of the chemotherapy agents available to dogs and humans. But as is the case for dogs and other pets, there is hope as research continues. The Morris Animal Foundation is funding a study at Cornell University by veterinarian, […]

Cat Articles Dog Articles General Cat Articles General Dog Articles

Who’s the Better Pet – Cats or Dogs

Personally I think it’s unfair to compare cats and dogs. You’ll find people on both sides claiming one or the other is a better pet. Of course as pet lovers, we seldom think of any negative aspects to sharing our lives with cats or dogs and many of us are lucky enough to have both […]

Cat Articles Cat Behavior

Why Do Cats Knead?

All cats knead which can be painful when on your lap, but is an instinctive trait. Kneading is when a cat pushes its paws in and out, usually with claws extended. Cats purr while kneading, so it’s a pleasurable feeling for them. They knead soft surfaces like pillows, the sofa, your lap. When newborns knead […]

Cat Articles Responsible Pet Ownership

Cat Care

Adopting a cat is lots of fun but also comes with plenty of responsibility. Cats need a proper environment, diet, exercise, company – whether human or feline, and good health. If you are new to cat ownership you will find some good solid advice here on the basics of cat care. If you have been […]

Cat Articles Cat Health

Kitty Breath – Causes and Cures

Cats seem to be prone to chronic oral inflammations, both in the mouth and the gums. A cat can be allergic to plaque collected on the teeth, its food or fleas. The lesions that erupt in the mouth are known as feline eosinophilic granuloma, a mouthful itself. Other causes that can give your cat “Kitty […]

Cat Articles Pet Behavior Portal

Cat Behavior

Have you ever wondered why your cat behaves a certain way? In recent decades, scientific research has shed light on many aspects of cat behavior. This information can be used to improve our relationships with our cats as well as to improve their quality of life. Although some behaviors are common to all cats, each […]