Observing my dogs when they are in deep sleep mode, I would have to say yes, some animals do dream. In experiments conducted on rats in 2000, researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have shown that animals really do dream. The results are that their dreams can be complex and may be replays of […]

Why Do Birds Flock?
Birds flying in flocks are a magnificent sight to behold. It seems amazing that they care able to dip and curve, change direction like precision dancers. There are a few reasons given why “birds of a feather flock together.” Birds flying together are safer because of their large numbers. They can more easily fight off […]

Why Are Tropical Birds So Colorful?
Tropical birds are so popular as pets because of their beautiful colorful plumage. Why do they have such colorful feathers? There are actually a few reasons. Colors help male birds attract females As they are unable to buy chocolate or jewelry, male birds attract the females with colors. Which in many ways turns the question […]

The Glowing Cat – All About Cat Eyes
If you’ve ever seen a cat’s eyes in the dark, they appear to glow. Unlike humans who need artificial or moon light to see in the dark, cats can see using only 1/6 of the light humans require. In low light cat’s pupils open very wide. In bright sunlight they are able to contract and […]

How Well Do Cats Hear
Amazingly cats can hear the tiniest sound and gauge direction and distance from the sound. A cat’s hearing is about 5 times greater than a human’s, particularly with high-pitched sounds. Dogs have more pitch range, but otherwise their hearing abilities only about one-third that of cats. According to scientists, cats can actually sense earthquakes even […]

Nocturnal Pets
Nocturnal pets are animals which sleep during the day and are active at night. The reason some animals are awake during the day and others are awake at night is so that different animals can hunt the same field or meadow for the same prey without conflict. Nocturnal animals are likely to hunt diurnal (awake […]

Bearded Dragons Sleeping Open-Mouthed
The Bearded Dragon requires a body temperature of 93 – 110 degrees Fahrenheit to maintain good health. When it reaches this temperature, the dragon often opens its mouth. This activity is called basking and allows the Bearded Dragon to dissipate extra heat and enjoy basking. While open mouth breathing can be a sign of respiratory […]

Are Dewclaws Useful?
The dewclaw is an extra digit on on animal’s foot. Dewclaws can be found on some mammals, birds and reptiles. Although they don’t appear to serve any purpose now, the dewclaw is thought to have been another toe at some time. Dogs are the most well-known animal with dewclaws. They are on the inside of […]

Why Do Cats Like Fish?
Historical accounts claim that the Egyptians, the first people to domesticate cats, lured them into their homes with offers of fish. That’s supposed to be how they developed the taste for fish. Anyone with a fish tank often observes the pet cat, tail twitching, stalking the fish. Cats are obligate carnivores meaning they must eat […]

Cats – Orange Males, Calico Females
We’ve always been led to believe that orange-colored cats are always males and calico or tortoise cats are female. We discovered that while most orange cats are male the ratio is 80% male 20% female. Years back, we even had an orange-colored female cat. Calico cats are tri-colored while tortoise-shell cats sport 2 colors, orange […]