Here’s a list of Pet Holidays for March, April, May, June. Celebrate with your pets and enjoy! MARCH Poison Prevention Month March 3rd – Iditarod Dog Sled Race March 5th-11th – National Pet Sitters Week March 8th-11th – Crufts – world’s largest dog show held in Birmingham, England March 18th-24th – National Poison Prevention Week […]
Animal Welfare Holidays

National Pet Month
National Pet Month is observed in the UK in April and in the United States in the month of May. The purpose of National Pet Month is: to promote responsible pet ownership to make people aware of the benefits of pets for people and people for pets to increase public awareness of services available from […]

Adopt a Black Pet Day
Dr. Patty Khuly, in her blog, Fully Vetted, talks about adopting black cats and dogs. Black cats and dogs are no different from other colors – their personalities and characters are just the same. As a matter of fact, the smartest, sweetest cat I ever had was all black with just a smidgen of white […]

National Mutt Day
National Mutt Day has been celebrated every year on December 2 since 2005, when it was founded by animal welfare activist Colleen Paige. Unfortunately, the biggest percentage of dogs euthanized in shelters are mixed breed dogs. Many people prefer to adopt purebreds from pet stores (often provided by puppy mills which mistreat dogs). Overbreeding of […]

National Feral Cat Day
National Feral Cat Day takes place on October 16. Its purpose is to educate people on the best ways to care for stray and feral cats. Alley Cat Allies founded this day ten years ago. “Feral cats are domestic cats, but are not socialized to people and are therefore unadoptable,” said Becky Robinson, president of […]

National Cat Day, October 29th
National Cat Day is being celebrated October 29th. The goal of National Cat Day is to encourage people to adopt cats as pets from local shelters. Estimates given are that shelters receive about 4 million cats annually and euthanize between 1-2 million yearly. If you are already owned by a cat or several cats, consider […]

National Bird Day
National Bird Day is celebrated on January 5. On this day, public awareness is raised regarding the threats to wild birds, as well as the plight of many captive birds. Today, nearly 12% of the world’s 9,800 bird species may face extinction within the next century, including nearly one-third of the world’s 330 parrot species. […]

National Animal Shelter Appreciation Week
The Humane Society of the United States has set aside the week of November 7-13 as National Animal Shelter Appreciation Week. The celebration this special week was begun in 1996 by HSUS to promote the role played by shelters, giving strays and unwanted animals the care and protection they need. The HSUS wants people to […]

February’s Spay Day
The Humane Society of the United States, the Humane Society International and the Humane Society Veterinary Medical Association have organized the last Tuesday of each February as Spay Day, a worldwide event. There will be hundreds of spay/neuter events around the globe to highlight the importance of saving animals’ lives by educating the public on […]

Celebrate World Animal Day October 4th
Hundreds of events will be taking place in 73 countries in honor of World Animal Day. The Mission Statement of World Animal Day is: To celebrate animal life in all its forms To celebrate humankind’s relationship with the animal kingdom. To acknowledge the diverse roles that animals play in our lives – from being our […]