Dr. Patty Khuly, in her blog, Fully Vetted, talks about adopting black cats and dogs.
Black cats and dogs are no different from other colors – their personalities and characters are just the same. As a matter of fact, the smartest, sweetest cat I ever had was all black with just a smidgen of white on his chest. Sasha was a watch-cat and learned to do tricks many dogs aren’t able to do. Since all but one of my cats were street rescues, I did have a variety of colors.
Ancient superstitions about black cats still seem to persist today. And some people think big black dogs are too scary when most of the time they can be the most gentle and loving of all.
So as Dr. Khuly has announced, let’s make June 30th, the last day of Adopt a Shelter Cat Month, a day to adopt black cats and dogs. Look beyond the color to the sweet dispositions of these pets. Save a life too!
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