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Foster a Pet
If you can’t make a long-term commitment to owning a pet, have you considered becoming a foster parent? Fostering provides animals in need with a temporary home where they can experience love and care, some for the first time in their lives. Many of these animals are stressed by the reasons that brought them to […]
Should You Adopt an Exotic Pet?
Exotic pets are usually defined as anything other than the typical domesticated animals. Exotic pets include snakes, lizards, weasels, tropical birds, wild animals and more. If you’re thinking of adopting an exotic pet, here are some points to consider: Contents 1 Advantages of owning an exotic pet 2 Disadvantages of owning an exotic pet 3 […]
Choosing a Rabbit
When choosing a pet rabbit, the first step is deciding on a breed. If you have children, consider a medium to large size breed. These rabbits will be better at coping if they are stressed by the children’s actions. If you have a cat in the house, it is best to get a rabbit the […]