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Emin’s and Gambian Pouched Rats
Emin’s and Gambian Pouched Rats are so similar that it’s difficult to tell them apart. They are originally from Africa where they lived in forests and wooded areas. They were once imported to the U.S. as pets, but importation is now illegal as a pouched rat was found to be a carrier of monkeypox. The […]
African Pygmy Hedgehogs
Origin Though originally native to Africa, Hedgehogs are now bred in captivity in North America and have become very interesting pets. Hedgehogs are about 5-8 inches long with a lifespan of 4-6 years. The underside of the Hedgehog is covered with soft fur, but prickly spines cover their backs. The spines lie flat when the […]
Egyptian Jirds
The Egyptian Jird is found in Northern Africa and Israel. It’s different from others in the gerbil species in several ways. This Jird is larger, 9.5 inches from nose to tail tip, the head is more pointed and ears are smaller. Color is a reddish brown agouti. Tails are almost furless, bellies are white. Life […]