How to Handle a Guinea Pig

Guinea Pigs are popular pets, especially for children. But everyone should learn the proper way of handling them to avoid injury which can lead to permanent damage for your pet. Here is some advice to help you.

Sit on the floor or the ground when holding your guinea pig. Guinea pigs are easily startled and when frightened, may jump out of one’s arms. Children sometimes find their pets a handful and may drop the animal. Sitting low down helps insure that if anything untoward occurs, it’s not far to fall.

Don’t leave young children alone, without supervision, when playing with the guinea pig. Teach children how to handle them to prevent broken bones or worse.

Explain to your child what foods are safe to feed guinea pigs, how much and how often. If your child can read, post a list in a child accessible place with the information as a reminder. Explaining the dos and don’ts and providing a list can avoid emergency veterinary visits.

Make sure your guinea pig always has fresh food and fresh water available. You can enlist your children to help with this chore, perhaps making the badges that say something like “Guinea Pig Patrol” to help them feel useful and
an important part of the pet’s life. And make sure your guinea pig is pooping normally.

Keep the cage and any accessories such as the water bottle clean. Your child can help, just show him/her how to clean the cage in a way that’s appropriate for the child’s age.

Following these few simple basics of pet care can keep your guinea pig healthy and happy and give your whole family lots of enjoyment.

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