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Where does the Parakeet come from? The Budgerigar or “Budgie” is native to Australia. It is known as the Parakeet in the U.S. they were named Budgerigar by the Aborigines of Australia. What does the Parakeet look like? Budgies are very small birds weighing approximately 80 gms. Wild Budgies have green bodies with striping patterns […]
Peking Nightingale
The Peking Nightingale a captivating song and will begin singing at the break of dawn as soon as the sun appears. What is the native habitat of the Peking Nightingale? The Peking Nightingale also known as the Japanese Robin, Pekin Robin and Red-billed Leiothrix, but is not actually native to Japan. It is native to […]
Lorikeets are very colorful, playful birds. There are a number of varieties, but not all are kept as pets. They are sometimes called honeyeaters as their favorite food is nectar. Lorikeets can be found in the East Indies area and western Pacific including 7 species in Australia. Most lorikeets are green with red and yellow […]