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European magpie (Pica pica)
The European magpie, also known as Pica pica, belongs to the crow family, and is widespread throughout Europe and Asia. Magpies are easily recognizable by their distinct glossy black plumage, white belly and shoulders, and its long black tail that could reach half of its total body length. Experts believe this bird to be one […]
Cows are extremely efficient animals. They provide milk (and its products, such as butter and cheese). They produce manure for your garden as well. Cows have been bred to belong to one of two types – milk cows and meat cows. Contents 1 Choosing a cow 2 Housing 3 Care 4 Nutrition 5 Video Choosing […]
The Orpington breed was created in 1886 by William Cook, who crossed Minorcas, Langshans and Plymouth Rocks, and named the breed after his hometown. He first created black Orpingtons and then went on to create white, buff and blue colored. The original purpose of the breed was to be dual-purpose, for both egg and meat […]