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NEWS about Ivory Trade
September 2015 The Humane Society of the United States announces that the U.S. and China will stop the commercial ivory trade as of a date to be announced. We say thank you and it’s about time. Facebook Comments Box
ASPCA-Gag Bills
2014 Idaho is the 7th state to pass an “ag-gag” law. These dangerous laws make it illegal to expose abusive conditions on factory farms and make it easier to hide animal cruelty from the public. Signed into law by Idaho Governor C.L. “Butch” Otter, the anti-whistleblower bill punishes anyone who exposes the horrific conditions for […]
Under the Covers Pets
Many pets enjoy burrowing under the bed covers to be close to their humans. That feeling possibly dates back to the time when they slept in dens, close to each other. Burrowing under the covers has an advantage for pet parents too as it can make crate training easier. Placing a blanket in the crate […]