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Invermectin Sensitivity
Invermectin Sensitivity is a disease is which dogs become overly sensitive to certain drugs including invermectin which is found in some heartworm and mite preparations. Certain breeds are particularly prone to this disease: collies, Australian Shepherd Shetland Sheepdogs, Old English Sheepdogs and English Sheepdogs. In other breeds, excessive doses (10-20X the recommended dose) are dangerous. […]
Vital Statistics: Place of Origin: France Group: Sporting dog Height: 20-25 in. Weight: 35-60 lbs. Life span: 13-15 yrs. Trainability: high Good with children: yes Good with other pets: n/a November’s Dog of the Month This rare breed’s name if from the French for beard (barbe). The Barbet is said to be the father of […]
The Matamata turtle can be found in streams of rain forests, primarily in the Amazon and Orinoco basins of South America. The shallow streams are covered with leaves and twigs, helping to camouflage the turtle. Size of the Matamata is up to 18 inches long and 35 lbs. Care should be taken when handling the […]