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How do Chameleons Change Color?
The more than 100 kinds of Chameleons can change color, usually between brown, gray and green. But some have the ability to change to almost any color. And they can perform this feat in 20 seconds. Chameleons can be found in northern Africa, the Middle East, India and Madagascar. Chameleons have special cells in layers […]
Potter’s Dwarf Angelfish
The Potter’s Dwarf Angelfish is a difficult fish to keep and not a good choice for a beginner. It is found in the Johnston Islands and Hawaii. The males are 4 in. long, while the females are 3.1 in. There may be territorial aggression unless fish of different size is present. The minimum size tank […]
Garden Edging Safety
Spring is finally here and everyone is busy working in their gardens. But you may have a danger in your garden that you are not even aware of. It’s hard to believe that metal edgings for gardens are still on the market. And it’s even harden to believe that people buy them. Even covered, they […]