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Cows are extremely efficient animals. They provide milk (and its products, such as butter and cheese). They produce manure for your garden as well. Cows have been bred to belong to one of two types – milk cows and meat cows. Contents 1 Choosing a cow 2 Housing 3 Care 4 Nutrition 5 Video Choosing […]
Pet Arthritis Discussed on Animal Wise Radio with FlexPet creator
The most recent episode of Animal Wise radio includes an interview with Tamer Elsafy, the CEO of Flexcin International. What was a great pain relief supplement for his grandmother turned out to be a great supplement for people’s pets. Find out more about the development of Flexpet and how it can help your aching or […]
Where does the Macaw come from? The Macaws native habitats are the rain forests of Central and south American. Sadly , the rain forests are disappearing and some species of Macaw are on the endangered list. Macaws have been kept as pets in the U.S. as far back as 1100 A.D. by the Pueblo Indians. […]