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Give Your Pet a Once-Over
Early detection of disease such as cancer, flea and/or tick infestations, lumps and bumps, wounds, infections, can mean the difference in saving your pet (and you) a lot of pain and heartache and keeping your pet healthy. You can begin by getting your pet used to your touch, all over the body, when the pet […]
DNA Testing for Pets
DNA testing for pets is similar to human DNA testing. With dogs and cats, DNA testing is used to determine breed background. This information gives owners reliable information about their pet’s history. It also provides your vet with information that will help in preventive treatments for breeds that are prone to certain diseases. When adopting […]
Stem Cell Therapy for Pets
Stem cells are undifferentiated cells that have the ability to become specialized cells such as skin, bones, muscles, etc. The two main sources of stems cells are embryos at the embryonic stage of development (blastocyst) and adult tissue. They can be found in bone marrow, blood vessels, muscles, skin, liver, the brain, nasal mucosa, fatty […]