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Bald Eagle – National U.S. Emblem
The Bald Eagle, a most majestic bird, is native to North America. Its habitat ranges in areas of rivers, lakes and seacoasts. The American Bald Eagle was removed from the Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants list of the Interior Department in June of 2007. The Bald Eagle is still protected by the Migratory Bird […]
National Mutt Day
National Mutt Day has been celebrated every year on December 2 since 2005, when it was founded by animal welfare activist Colleen Paige. Unfortunately, the biggest percentage of dogs euthanized in shelters are mixed breed dogs. Many people prefer to adopt purebreds from pet stores (often provided by puppy mills which mistreat dogs). Overbreeding of […]
Vegetarian Pets
If you’re a vegetarian, should your pet be one too? This is a controversial issue and animal rights activists are divided. Here are some of the arguments for and against feeding your pet a vegetarian diet. Yes, pets should eat a plant-based diet Buying meaty pet food supports the same meat industry that vegetarians and […]