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Children’s Behavior with Dogs
Although we are discussing mainly the behavior of children with dogs, this can relate to all animals. Children are the most common victims of dog bites. Sometimes even with adult supervision, bites occur. Learning a dog’s body language and what is polite behavior to a dog can prevent most of those bites. Dogs give warning […]
Survivor Story: Nicole and Daggit
Nicole adopted Daggit as a 9 week old from a puppy rescue in Colorado. Daggit is an Australian Shepherd/Labrador mix. Daggit’s cancer story began in August of 2009. A swelling in a toe that didn’t respond to Nicole’s treatment prompted a vet visit. Daggit was treated for what appeared to be an infection but with […]
Book Review: Amazing Gracie
Amazing Gracie – a Dog’s Tale by Dan Dye & Mark Beckloff This is a delightfully written story about two caring, compassionate young men who love their dogs. Gracie, an albino puppy Great Dane, deaf and partially blind, is saved from certain death to go on to become a symbol for all that’s good in […]