Pet Calendar of Events – 2014

Here is a calendar of important pet events for 2014. Please check local ads for events taking place where you live.


Walk Your Pet Month

Adopt a Rescued Bird Month

National Train Your Dog Month

Bald Eagle Appreciation Days

Jan. 2 – Happy Mew for Cats Day

Jan. 2 – National Pet Travel Safety Day

Jan. 5 – National Bird Day

Jan. 10 – Save the Eagles Day

Jan. 14 – National Dress Up Your Pet Day

Jan. 16 – Appreciate a Dragon Day

Jan. 18/19 – Bald Eagle Appreciation Days

Jan. 20 – Penguin Awareness Day

Jan. 21 – Squirrel Appreciation Day

Jan. 22 – National Answer Your Cat’s Question Day

Jan. 24 – Change a Pet’s Life Day

Jan. 29 – Seeing Eye Guide Dog Birthday 1929


National Cat Health Month

Responsible Pet Owners Month

Responsible Animal Guardian Month

Adopt a Rescued Rabbit Month

National Prevent a Litter Month

Unchain a Dog Month

Pet Dental Health Month

Spay/Neuter Awareness Month (sponsored by HSUS)

National Wild Bird Feeding Month

Feb. second week – Homes for Birds Week

Feb. 1 – Serpent Day

Feb. 2 – Groundhog Day

Feb. 11/12 – Westminster Kennel Club Annual Dog Show

Feb. 7-14 – Have a Heart for Chained Dogs Week

Feb 14 – Pet Theft Awareness Day

Feb. 17-23 – National Justice for Animals Week

Feb. 18 – National Hippo Day

Feb. 18 – World Whale Day

Feb. 20 – Love Your Pet Day

Feb. 22 – Walk Your Dog Day

Feb. 23 – International Dog Biscuit Day

Feb. 23 – National Dog Biscuit Day

Feb. 26 – International World Spay Day (sponsored by HS Int’l and HSUS)

Feb. 26 – Spay Day USA

Feb. 27 – International and National Polar Bear Day


Poison Prevention Awareness Month

Adopt a Rescued Guinea Pig Month

Dolphins Awareness Month

Mar. 1 – National Horse Protection Day

Mar. 1 – National Pig Day

Mar. 1 – Learn About Butterflies Day

Mar. 3 – If Pets Had Thumbs Day

Mar. 2-8 – Professional Pet Sitters Week

Mar. 7-10 – Crufts – world’s largest dog show held in Birmingham, England

Mar. 13 – K-9 Veterans Day

Mar. 14 – Save a Spider Day

Mar. 16-22 – Poison Prevention Awareness Week

Mar. 17-23 – National Wildlife Week

Mar. 20 – World Frog Day

Mar. 22 – International Day of the Seal

Mar. 23 – National Puppy Day (sponsored by Animal Miracle Foundation encouraging adopting a shelter dog)

Mar. 27 – Manatee Appreciation Day

Mar. 28 – Respect Your Cat Day


National Pet Month

Prevent Lyme Disease in Dogs Month

Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month (ASPCA)

National Pet First Aid Awareness Month

National Heartworm Awareness Month

Apr. 1 – National Horse Protection Day

Apr. 2 – National Ferret Day

Apr. 7-13 – National Animal Control Officers Appreciation Week

Apr. 14 – National Dolphin Day

Apr. 11 – National Pet Day (sponsored by Animal Miracle Foundation honoring all pets)

Apr. 11-17 – National Animal Control Appreciation Week

Apr. 18 – Pet Owners Independence Day

Apr. 19 – Pet Owners Day

Apr. 19-25 – National Dog Bite Prevention Week

3rd week in April – Animal Cruelty/Human Violence Awareness Week (HSUS)

April 20-26 – National Pet ID Week

Apr. 20-26 – World Laboratory Animal Liberation Week

Apr. 25 – World Penguin Day

Apr. 25 – Hairball Awareness Day

Apr. 26 – World Veterinary Day

Apr. 26 – National Kids and Pets Day

Apr. 27 – Save the Frogs Day

Apr. 27 – Free Feral Cat Spay Day

Apr. 28 – International Guide Dog Day

Apr. 30 – National Adopt a Shelter Pet Day


Chip Your Pet Month

National Pet Month

National Service Dog Eye Examination Month

May 3 – National Specially-abled Pets Day

May 8 – National Animal Disaster Preparedness Day

May 4-10 – National Pet Week

May 5-11 – Puppy Mill Action Week

May 18-24 – National Dog Bite Prevention Week

May 30 – International Hug Your Cat Day


Adopt a Shelter Cat Month

June 20 – Take Your Dog to Work Day

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