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Is Your Bird Afraid at Night
To set the scene, your bird is sound asleep at his/her usual time. Suddenly, in the middle of the night, you are awakened by chaos in the birdcage. If you are frightened, imagine how your bird feels. Night fears can affect any bird, but it appears to be more common in cockatiels. When a frightened […]
Basic Physical Exam for Horses
Do you know what to do when your horse isn’t feeling tip-top? Before you call your veterinarian, you should be armed with information that will help determine the seriousness of the problem. The basics of a physical examination include temperature, pulse rate and respiration as well as observation of any outward signs the horse may […]
Tonsilitis in Dogs
Dogs have tonsils just as we humans do, two, one on each side at the back of the throat. Tonsils are part of the body’s lymph system and are a catch-all for infection. Tonsils serve to protect the body against bacteria and viruses and can become inflamed and/or infected causing tonsillitis. When this happens, tonsils […]