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Saddle Thrombosis in Cats
Saddle Thrombosis is most often seen in cats but rarely in dogs. It is a thromboembolism and occurs when an aortic blood clot travels and lodges where the aorta branches out to the back legs. The clot blocks the flow of blood. The blockage is called an embolism. Saddle Thrombosis is usually seen when there […]
Pet Finders
There are times when your pet has gone missing and you’ve exhausted the many means of finding her/him. You can enlist the aid of many organizations on the Internet who cover a wide area and may be able to help you. A word of caution – check with the Better Business Bureau, local shelters and […]
Liz and Angel Dana
Dana died at 9.00am on Sunday 31st May. As we still had her shelter sister Scully, we were worried about her pining, so we got another rescue dog on June 10th, Ivy. Two weeks later, I was lying in bed on a Sunday morning, half asleep and I got a blinding yellow flash across my […]