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Garter Snake
The Garter Snake is one of most common snakes across North America and Central America. It is a popular first pet for children, since it is inexpensive, interesting to watch, and easy to feed. Garter snakes are meat eaters, but can be fed only fish, such as minnows or small feeders. They need about 10-15 […]
There are more than 4,000 types of lizard in the world. Most live in the tropics. The largest living lizard in the world is the Komodo Dragon, native to the central archipelago of Indonesia. The Komodo’s average length is 6.6-9.8 feet with tails as long as their bodies. An interesting fact about the Komodo – […]
Savannah Monitor
What are some facts about the Savannah Monitor and other Monitor Lizards? Monitor Lizards are known to be the most intelligent of reptiles. Their natural habitat is Africa, parts of Southwest Asia to Australia. Savannah Monitors are about 3-4 feet long. They live 10-12 years. The Nile Monitor adult is 7 feet long.The Mangrove and […]