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Australian Green Tree Frog
The Australian Green Tree Frog, also known as the Green Tree Frog, White’s Tree Frog or Dumpy Tree Frog is native to Australia and New Guinea. It has been introduced to New Zealand and the U.S. The Green Tree Frog can grow to 4 inches or more long, larger than most Australian frogs. Lifespan in […]
There are more than 4,000 types of lizard in the world. Most live in the tropics. The largest living lizard in the world is the Komodo Dragon, native to the central archipelago of Indonesia. The Komodo’s average length is 6.6-9.8 feet with tails as long as their bodies. An interesting fact about the Komodo – […]
Rosy Boa
The Rosy Boa’s normal habitat is desert, rocky chaparral and ravines. It is one of two boas native to the U.S. Rosy Boas are calm, gentle snakes making them good pets. They live about 18 years (although there is on record of one living close to 60 years old) and grow to 2-3 feet long. […]