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Keep Your Bird Happy – Tips for Proper Bird Care
Those of us who share our homes with birds understand how highly intelligent they are. Scientists have proven that the emotions of a bird are at least as complex as those of a 3 year old child. It’s up to us to see that we meet all their needs and to keep them physically and […]
Can Human Blood Save Pets
Blood transfusions have saved many lives, both animal and human. But the donor’s blood must match the recipient’s to avoid serious reactions. While it is not a common practice for human blood to be used in animals, new research submits that a blood serum called albumin can be used to save pets’ lives. Blood is […]
Furless Fur Pets
Those odd-looking creatures without fur are really cats and dogs. They have all the usual parts and characteristics of their species but are without hair. How did they get that way? Hairlessness in cats and dogs is actually a genetic defect. At some point in time, breeders took advantage of this defect and created hairless […]