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American Curl
Vital Statistics: Place of Origin: United States Coat Type: silky, long & short haired Color: all cat colors & patterns Temperament: affectionate, people-oriented, get along with other pets Where does the American Curl come from? The first American Curl was originally found in Lakewood, California. In 1981, two longhair kittens were found by the Ruga […]
Colorpoint Shorthair
Vital Statistics: Place of Origin: United States Coat Type: short, fine, lustrous Color: red, cream, lynx, seal-tortie lynx, chocolate tortie, blue-cream or lilac-cream Temperament: intelligent, affectionate, playful Where are Colorpoint Shorthairs from? The Colorpoint Shorthair was developed by breeding Siamese cats to other cats such as the Abyssinian and shorthaired tabby. The Colorpoint is structurally […]
Russian Don Cat
[[]]The Russian Don has many names and is also known as Donskoy Russian, Don Bald Cat, Don Hairless and Don Sphinx. A female kitten found in 1987 in Rostov-on-Don, Russia, became mother of 2 Russian hairless breeds, the Russian Don and the Peterbald. Unlike other hairless cats, the Donskoy is hairless due to a dominant […]