HSUS Report on Texas Feral Burros


The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department was shooting burros located in the Big Bend Ranch State Park in an effort to decrease the burros’ impact on the resources and sites at the park.

The good news is that the agency has agreed to suspend the policy of killing the burros. In cooperation with the TPWD, the HSUS has offered to develop a nonlethal plan to manage the animals.

The HSUS in partnership with the TPWD will do an aerial search to determine the remaining number of burros. It is estimated that there are about 300 animals in the park.

The HSUS has been operating the Cleveland Amory Black Beauty Ranch since the late 1970s in Texas where hundreds of burros were transported to its safe environs and where other species now live as well. The HSUS also rescued 120 burros in Hawaii, flying them to a California sanctuary.

Wayne Pacelle, President and CEO of the HSUS reminds us that “These animals are at the park through no fault of their own. We humans put them there and it’s up to us to handle any conflicts that now arise in the most merciful way.”

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