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Borneo Short-tailed Python
The Borneo Short-tailed Python’s natural habitat is low elevation areas, the edge of Borneo’s swamps, Western Malaysia, East of Sumatra’s mountain range and nearby islands. Adult Borneos average 4-6 feet long and with larger ones weighing about 30 lbs. In captivity their lifespan is more than 20 years. Borneos come in various colors; the head […]
Are Cats Happy Living Indoors?
There’s a long list of reasons for keeping a cat indoors. Cats allowed to go outdoors at will face many hazards – getting hit by a car, being stolen, injured fighting with other cats, dogs or other animals attacking them. And neighbors would not be pleased with a cat digging in their gardens or urinating […]
The Odd Couple – Pacelle and Vick
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