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New Test for Lyme Disease in Horses
2013 Detecting Lyme disease in horses has been difficult since many horses don’t show symptoms until months after being infected. But in 2012, researchers at Cornell University’s Veterinary School developed a test which can detect antibodies as early as 2-4 weeks after the horse has been infected. The test also indicates the stage of Lyme […]
Veterinarians and Doctors Work Together
Exchanges of information are becoming more and more common between veterinarians and human doctors. There are many diseases that occur similarly in humans and dogs, horses, pigs and sheep because their physiology and anatomy closely resembles that of humans. Most of the time, drugs that can cure test rodents fail to work on humans. Veterinary […]
Bladder Stones in Dogs and Cats
Pets rarely suffer from kidney stones, but can have the more common bladder stones. These stones often pass into the urethra. They can be different sizes and there can be one or more. If the stones are small enough, they can be passed. Larger ones can cause an obstruction in the lower urinary tract. There […]