The Bird Care & Conservation Society of South Australia provides guidelines on how to treat an injured or distressed bird:
- Handle the bird carefully, for your sake and his.
- Take the bird away from possible sources of dangers such as other animals and extreme weather conditions.
- Provide a warm protected environment for the bird, such as a cardboard box.
- Remember the bird is in shock.
- Keep the bird out of reach of children and pets.
- Call your local animal protection organization.
- Leave the bird for a long time without seeking help. Immediate action is critical.
- Try to treat the bird unless you know how.
- Keep the bird for your children’s amusement.
- Keep the bird as a pet. Wild animals should be released back into their natural habitat.
- Automatically assume the bird is a seed-eater. It may need other types of food.
- Pick up a young bird being taken care of by its parent unless it is in grave danger.
Places such as Hope for Wildlife will accept injured birds.