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Moving to a New Home With Your Pet
We can all find it stressful to move to a new home and pets are no exception. Cats in particular don’t like change. But there are things you can do to make the move less stressful. When choosing a new home, take your pet into consideration. Too many people find themselves unable to care for […]
Pink Skunk Anemonefish
The Pink Skunk Anemonefish, or Pink Skunk Clownfish, is a fairly easy fish to keep. Being a hardy fish, it is ideal for beginners. It is bred in captivity and therefore readily available and inexpensive. It is native to the Eastern Indian Ocean to the Western Pacific Ocean. The males are 2.75 in., while the […]
Pill-Taking Tips For Dogs With Joint Pain
It’s hard enough to watch your dog have to go through all kinds of painful and uncomfortable moments because of dog arthritis and or joint pain. But it’s a devastating feeling knowing that your dog hates to take pills and, worse, hates to take them when administered from you. You love your dog and you’re […]