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Anal Gland Cancer
Anal gland cancer, also known as adenocarcinoma, is an invasive cancer with a poor prognosis. Fortunately it is not one of the more common cancers in dogs and rare in cats. Anal gland cancer is seen as a rectal mass, often found in the lymph nodes as well. The tumor usually affects one anal sac […]
What Are the Differences Between Gerbils and Hamsters?
Gerbils and hamsters are similar animals, but there are important differences between them: Gerbils have long, fur-covered tails that end in a small tuft. Hamsters have tiny stubs for tails, naked of fur. Gerbils tend to stand on their hind legs, while hamsters avoid standing as it takes much more effort for them. Hamsters are […]
Polydactyl/Hemingway Cats
Polydactyl cats are also known as Hemingway cats, named after Ernest Hemingway, the Nobel prize-winning author. Hemingway was given a 6 toed cat by a ship’s captain and he had a special affection for these cats. His former home located in Key West, Florida is now a museum housing about 60 descendants of the original, […]