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Microchips and Cancer
The potential of microchips causing cancer was brought to our attention by members of bonecancerdogs. Merck Pharmaceuticals is facing a lawsuit by an owner claiming their HomeAgain pet microchip caused cancer in the owner’s cat. Dr. Katherine Albrecht, a consumer advocate, highly knowledgeable on adverse reactions to implanted microchips said, “Based on the alarming number […]
Canines and Cars
Most dogs enjoy riding in cars. They are delighted to be out with their best friend, seeing sights and hearing sounds that are new and interesting. But there are dangerous situations which can turn deadly while driving with your dog. It may look cute to see a dog hanging out of a car window, seemingly […]
Petting Dogs on the Head
Just as we humans can be annoyed by certain touches, dogs can react similarly. Some dogs don’t mind being petted on the head while others dislike it, sometimes intensely. Here are several reasons why dogs can be annoyed by head petting. It disrupts the view of their surroundings. It can blur their vision. Some people […]