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Pets welcome
Pets Welcome! Don’t leave your faithful friend behind – with FHG, even your pets are welcome! Our Pets Welcome! Guide to holiday accommodation in the UK and France where your pets will be welcome is our largest selling title, and is in its 53rd edition. As a nation of dog-lovers, it’s not surprising that dogs […]
Russian Don Cat
[[]]The Russian Don has many names and is also known as Donskoy Russian, Don Bald Cat, Don Hairless and Don Sphinx. A female kitten found in 1987 in Rostov-on-Don, Russia, became mother of 2 Russian hairless breeds, the Russian Don and the Peterbald. Unlike other hairless cats, the Donskoy is hairless due to a dominant […]
National Veterinarian Day
Your veterinarian is the person who cares for your precious friend and helps you to maintain his/her good health. Here are some ways to show your appreciation. Pay bills on time and without complaint. Be understanding when your appointment is held up due to an emergency. Be respectful and courteous to the staff. Be honest […]