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Giving Pets as Gifts
It’s holiday time or your best friend’s birthday. You know the joy of sharing your life with a pet and would like to give that joy to someone special. But before you rush out to choose that pet, there are important considerations. A pet is a living being and represents a commitment for years, some […]
Treating Burns in Pets
Burns to pets can be caused several ways – accidentally spilling hot or caustic liquids on pets, pets biting electric wires, even extreme cold. There are three degrees of burns: First degree, where the skin will be painful to touch, red, and may blister Second degree, where in addition to pain, the skin will turn […]
Why Horses Need Salt
Actually all animals including humans need salt and cannot live without it. In nature salt and minerals can be found together, but today we have to provide our horses with salt. This salt has been changed somewhat from it’s natural form. The salt blocks in a stall or paddock were originally invented for cattle with […]