Cheryl and Angel Bullet

I have had a few signs from Bullet.

The first one was Jersey was sleeping in the bed near the computer and she suddenly jumped up and looked behind her and left the bed. She has never done that before so I know it was because Bullet was there. This was soon after I lost her and Molly would often stare at something I couldn’t see in those early weeks. I believe that Bullet is still here but they are use to seeing her now.

Also, Bullet always came and laid against the bathroom door as I got into the shower. I would hear the bang against the door. Molly always stayed on my bed. Well shortly before Bullet became ill she stopped doing that and Molly started to. Molly didn’t lay right against the door but on the blanket to the side of it. After Bullet went to the Bridge Molly continued to do that along with some of Bullet’s other “jobs”. A couple of times when I was in the shower I heard the door bang/move. I figured Molly must be moving around or something but when I came out on those times she would be on the bed asleep. At first I thought she was going to the bed when she knew I was coming out of the shower. One day I heard the noise of the door again and jumped out of the shower to look, no one was there and I ran to the bedroom, Molly was fast asleep on the bed. When I didn’t hear the door Molly would be waiting for me on the blanket near the door. I know when she is not there it is because Bullet is.

I had another sign. My husband and I went out to the store in the winter. We were in there a while and when we came out and got in the car I sat down and my seat was warm, really warm. The car was ice cold but I had to ask my husband if his seat was still warm at all. I knew he would say no, the seats are always cold even after a few minutes in the store. I knew Bullet was there. When she went with us and laid in the back seat as soon as I would get out she would sit in whatever seat I was in until I came back.

I just thought of a recent one. I have thought she is with me at night because I often wake up hot like I did when she laid against me. But just a couple of weeks ago I could feel something on my legs and it wasn’t Molly she was against my belly. Jersey was in the chair. I just snuggled in and was so happy my girl was with me.

I also have had a couple of brushes against my leg.

Thinking about it, I could say it was all in my head but when they happened they were very real and distinct. The door noise happened several times and it was the same exact noise she made. My car seat was not “maybe it is a little warm” it was very warm and no I don’t have heated car seats.

My husband actually just told me like 4 days ago that he has been hearing a little banging on the storm door at night. He actually has gotten up and opened it to let Bullet in. Honestly, I was surprised to hear him say that. She must think he needs some “awakening”.

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