A majority of the staff at Flexcin International owns pets and is concerned for the welfare of all animals. So it is important to us to help organizations who share that concern and work to make a direct impact on the lives of animals. We do this in a variety of ways, through giving discounts […]
Learn More about the FlexPet 4 Shelters Program
We know that with the help of FlexPet, senior dogs and cats will be more likely to get adopted and find a happy home. That’s why we offer special bulk pricing to shelters and have created a unique program to help shelters even more. We’ve worked with different shelters to help them with fundraising programs, […]

Is Pet Clothing a Good Idea?
Should animals be dressed in clothes? Not everyone agrees on this controversial issue. Some things to consider: In favor of pet clothing Some clothing can protect an animal from the elements. For example, a dog might wear a coat and boots when taking a walk in extremely cold weather. If the clothes are comfortable and […]

Viyo Veterinary: Getting pets back in shape was never this easy.
Viyo Veterinary: developed by VETS for VETS, is the first product ever that provides cats and dogs with all essential nutrients in just one highly palatable drink. Market research in the US and Europe shows that Viyo Veterinary facilitates Fluent Recuperation in no less then 9 indications and can help 43% of all patients get […]

Trends in the Pet Industry
Once, people bought their pets the simple necessities only. These days, new trends focus on improving our pet’s lifestyle as well as ours. One popular trend is earth-friendly products. These include natural litters, toys, accessories and organic food options. Another interesting trend is that brand name companies like Paul Mitchell, Omaha Steaks, Origins, Harley Davidson […]

Strollers for Pets
Strollers can be a convenient way to take your pet outdoors. They are very useful if your pet is handicapped, has arthritis, is a senior citizen, is a cat, has had recent surgery. Small pets often tire easily when walking long distances and carrying your pet is not always comfortable. The type of stroller depends […]
Pet Arthritis Discussed on Animal Wise Radio with FlexPet creator
The most recent episode of Animal Wise radio includes an interview with Tamer Elsafy, the CEO of Flexcin International. What was a great pain relief supplement for his grandmother turned out to be a great supplement for people’s pets. Find out more about the development of Flexpet and how it can help your aching or […]

Microchip ID
Microchip IDs are used to identify pets who have wandered away from home. They are more secure than collars since they are embedded under the skin and can’t fall off and get lost. Each microchip has a unique number which matches the owner’s information in a central database. They can be inserted in dogs, cats, […]

How much food should I purchase for my pet at one time?
Our pets enjoy fresh food and most will turn up their noses at the stale stuff. So please don’t purchase more than a month’s supply of dry food for your pet, especially in warm weather and where bugs can get at the food. The size of a month’s supply can vary depending on your pet’s […]
Flexcin International Announces New Shelter Program
The FlexPet Shelter Program, let’s shelters sell FlexPet and get a portion of the proceeds. You can sell FlexPet at your shelter, sell it online or both. We work with our shelters to set them up and help them with any materials they may need for selling and assist with technical support for setting up […]