Here is a letter from the ASPCA explaining what you can do to stop this horrendous practice. Please join the ASPCA in helping horses. Dear Animal Advocates, On May 5, a thoroughbred named I’ll Have Another won the 138th Kentucky Derby. This Saturday is the Preakness, and the Belmont Stakes takes place in three weeks. […]

ASPCA-Help Military Dogs
Military working dogs serve and protect U.S. armed forces all over the world including Iraq and Afghanistan. The ASPCA informs us that currently these heroic, loyal dogs are considered “equipment” by the U.S. Department of Defense. This classification not only belittles their lifesaving contributions to our services, but also makes it very difficult to bring […]

ASPCA – Stop Horse Slaughter
The ASPCA along with other animal welfare organizations reminds us of the need to keep Congress and the White House aware that 80% of Americans oppose horse slaughter. It is urgent that you ask your Congressmen to pass the American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act. This legislation would achieve two things: it would prohibit the export […]

Alabama Bans Turtle Hunting
On April 8, 2012, the state of Alabama put into effect, a law banning the hunting of wild turtles and their eggs. The law does not affect farmed turtles. All turtle hunting permits have been canceled. Georgia, Florida, Oklahoma, South Carolina and Texas have already passed laws limiting turtle hunting. Alabama has 25 different species […]

NY Bill to Prohibit of Devocalization of Cats and Dogs
New York State has filed Assembly Bill 3431 and Senate Bill S6167 to prohibit devocalization of dogs and cats. There is opposition to these bills from lobbies that profit from devocalization. They are trying to kill the bills through loopholes. One amendment would allow some people to have their dogs and cats devocalized. Devocalization is […]

FoA-Ban on NYC Horse-Drawn Carriages
Host Anna Vitale of the Mindlight TV show featured New York State Senator Tony Avella and Edita Birnkrant, New York Director of Friends of Animals explaining about the New York City horse-drawn carriage industry. Discussed were the ongoing efforts of FoA working with Senator Avella to pass a state law banning horse-drawn carriages. Legislation is […]

Ban Wild Animals in Circuses
The United States is considering a ban on the use of wild animals in traveling circuses. The ban already exists in many countries throughout the world. While the circuses of ancient Greece and Rome featured trained animals, circuses originally began with acts by jugglers, acrobats, trapeze artists, tightrope walkers and clowns. In other words, the […]

HSUS-Spectators at Animal Fights
While a few states have penalty laws for spectators at animal fights, there is no federal law making it a penalty to attend them. Admission fees and wagering on the fights are the fuel that spurs the continuation of dog fighting and cockfighting. There is a bill before Congress, the Animal Fighting Spectator Prohibition Act, […]

Victory for Pit Bulls in Ohio
February 21, 2012 – a day to celebrate. Ohio’s Governor John Kasich signed HB 14 into law, ending discrimination against pitbulls. Prior to this law pitbulls were considered dangerous based solely on the breed. Best Friends Animal Society, vigorous in their stand against banning breeds, states that the new law also prohibits convicted felons from […]

How did Members of Congress Vote on Animal Issues in 2009?
THE HUMANE SOCIETY LEGISLATIVE FUND publishes an annual Humane Scorecard to assess the support of federal legislators on a broad range of animal protection issues. This Scorecard provides an easy way to assess how each U.S. senator and representative has acted on these issues during the first year of the 111th Congress (which runs from […]