National Pet Month is observed in the UK in April and in the United States in the month of May. The purpose of National Pet Month is: to promote responsible pet ownership to make people aware of the benefits of pets for people and people for pets to increase public awareness of services available from […]
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National Pet Sitters Week
The National Professional Pet Sitters organization has designated March 5-12, honoring pet sitters. If you’ve ever needed or use the services of an insured, bonded pet sitter, you know how invaluable they are. We love our pets and want to give them the best care possible. Many of us have to go to work daily […]

Celebrate National Dog Biscuit Day
In celebration of National Dog Biscuit Day, February 23, 2012, we want to share a recipe with you for baking your own dog biscuits for your furpal. Ingredients: 3 Cups of Whole Wheat Flour 1 Cup of Rolled Oats 1/2 Cup of Shredded Cheese 1/2 Cup of unsweetened Apple Sauce 1 Cup of any of […]

Earth Day
Earth Day is an annual event most commonly celebrated the 22nd of April. It is a day on which people around the world gather to participate in activities and demonstrations aimed at raising public awareness about environmental issues including air pollution, water pollution, habitat destruction, renewable energy, climate change, species losses, and environmental policies. This […]

February is National Pet Dental Health Month
February is designated as National Pet Dental Health Month, but pet dental health should be practiced every month. Your pets’ teeth should be brushed at least 3 times a week, preferably daily. Popular belief is that feeding pets dry kibble cleans teeth, but this just isn’t true. The kibble bits are too small and not […]

National Veterinarian Day
Your veterinarian is the person who cares for your precious friend and helps you to maintain his/her good health. Here are some ways to show your appreciation. Pay bills on time and without complaint. Be understanding when your appointment is held up due to an emergency. Be respectful and courteous to the staff. Be honest […]
Pet Holidays in May/June
May Pet Holidays: National Pet Week – first week of May Be Kind to Animals Week – first week of May National Disabled Pets Day – May 3 National Dog Bite Prevention Week – May 15-21 Hug Your Cat Day – May 30 Go Fetch Food for Homeless Animals Month – May June Pet Holidays: […]

Pet Safe Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day is a special day chosen to show our love and that includes towards our pets. Here are some tips to keep them safe and happy during the holiday and always. Keep flowers, fresh and dried, plants and potpourri out your pet’s reach. While some may not be toxic themselves, they may have been […]

Chinese New Year and Animals
Legend tells us that Buddha called all the animals to his side before he left the Earth. Only 12 animals responded and came to say goodby. Buddha rewarded these 12 by naming a year after each one in the order of their arrival. The Chinese belief is that the animal in the year of a […]

Celebrate Valentine’s Day with Your Pet
We show our love all year for our pets, but there are still special ways to celebrate Valentine’s Day with our special pals. On holidays we tend to want to be more extravagant in showing how much we care. Here are a number of ideas to make sweet Valentine’s Day memories. Bake a cake or […]