Veterinary Pet Insurance came up with the following names of cats as being most popular in 2010. Max Chloe Oliver Lucky Charlie VPI’s list of unusual cats’ names are really interesting: Purr Diem, Bing Clawsby, Chairman Meow, Optimus Pants and Admiral Pancake. Guess the old-fashioned names like Puss and Kitty are far down on the […]
General Cat Articles
This is a list of General Articles about cats. We hope you find them informative and interesting and that they will increase your knowledge of your furry friend.

Ailurophobia: Fear of Cats
Although cats are not everyone’s favorite pet, there are some people who have an abnormal fear of cats which may include symptoms such as intense fear, sweating, heart palpitations, nausea, dry mouth, tightness in the throat or chest. In some extreme cases, a person may be afraid to leave the house for fear of encountering […]

Pet Birthdays
According to a recent survey, 36% of dog owners give their pets presents on their birthday, as do 20% of cat owners. Some pet owners even hold birthday parties for their pets. This can be especially fun for children who can be involved in the planning and running of the party. Since pet owners don’t […]

Top Ten Cats 2010
Here’s a list of the 10 most popular breeds of cat. But we all know the most popular, the most beautiful, the most intelligent and the most loved, lives with us. Persian – First place since 1871 when the Cat Fancier’s Association started keeping records. Maine Coon – Second place since 1992, this large cat […]
Crab and Mallet Cat Show
I had the pleasure of going to the 2009 Crab and Mallet Cat Show in Baltimore, Maryland. I had never been to a cat show before and had no idea what to expect. I had a lot of fun. Although they say a picture is worth a 1000 words, there nothing like seeing these amazing […]

Cat Myths, Facts and Urban Legends
There are many urban legends about cats. Below we debunk some of these myths. Myth: Cats can have cow’s milk Fact: Cats are actually lactose intolerant and can get an upset stomach from drinking milk. Myth: Cats should eat fish Fact: Cats can eat fish occasionally, but too much fish in their diet can lead […]