Cat Diseases Cat Health

Plasma Cell Pododermatitis

Plasma Cell Pododermatitus literally means foot inflammation involving infiltration by plasma cells. It is a disease that affects cats. It is believed to be an auto-immune disease. Some studies have linked Pododermatitus to the Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV). A biopsy is required to confirm the disease. The foot pad appears mushy and balloons out, sometimes […]

Cat Articles Cat Health Feline Cancer

What’s New in Cancer Treatment for Cats

Although cancer is the leading cause of death in cats, they cannot be treated safely with many of the chemotherapy agents available to dogs and humans. But as is the case for dogs and other pets, there is hope as research continues. The Morris Animal Foundation is funding a study at Cornell University by veterinarian, […]

Cat Health New

Your Cat’s Mouth

Your cat’s mouth can tell you a lot about your furry friend’s health. Here is some information that we hope is useful. Kittens have 26 temporary teeth, 14 upper and 12 lower. They begin falling out at about 3-4 months of age. When all the permanent teeth come in, the count is 30, 16 top […]

Cat Care Cat Health

Choosing the Right Cat Food

Cats are obligate (strict) carnivores, that is they are meat eaters with low carbohydrate needs. Cats can also be very fussy eaters – what pleases one will make the other turn up his/her nose. The cat’s stomach and intestines are smaller than dogs and most other animals which is why they need high protein diets. […]

Cat Health Dog Health Pet Health

Brushing Your Pet’s Teeth

Brushing your pet’s teeth daily takes only seconds and can save you and your pet from needless misery. Plaque (tartar) buildup can occur very quickly and usually begins near or at the gum-line. It’s always best to accustom your pet to your touch all over his/her body including the mouth and teeth. But it’s never […]

Cat Health News

Disrupted Routines Affect Cat Health

Science Daily reports that a recent study shows that even healthy cats exhibit symptoms of illness when their routine is changed. The study drastically changed the routines of both healthy cats and cats with feline interstitial cystitis, a chronic illness, and found that all the cats exhibited the same symptoms of sickness behaviors, and just […]

Cat Care Cat Health

Ten Tips for Nine Lives

Ten Tips for Nine Lives by Arnold Plotnick MS, DVM, ACVIM, ABVP “I have another litter that needs placement”. I’ve heard this sentence many times in the past few years. The speaker of the sentence is Theresa Bachu, a local animal rescuer with a mission: to spay and neuter as many feral cats in […]

Cat Articles Cat Health

Kitty Breath – Causes and Cures

Cats seem to be prone to chronic oral inflammations, both in the mouth and the gums. A cat can be allergic to plaque collected on the teeth, its food or fleas. The lesions that erupt in the mouth are known as feline eosinophilic granuloma, a mouthful itself. Other causes that can give your cat “Kitty […]

Canine Cancer Cat Health Dog Health News Pet Health

Microchips and Cancer

The potential of microchips causing cancer was brought to our attention by members of bonecancerdogs. Merck Pharmaceuticals is facing a lawsuit by an owner claiming their HomeAgain pet microchip caused cancer in the owner’s cat. Dr. Katherine Albrecht, a consumer advocate, highly knowledgeable on adverse reactions to implanted microchips said, “Based on the alarming number […]

Cat Health Dog Health

Why is My Pet Vomiting

Vomiting – it’s a yucky subject, but one that needs to be addressed. There are quite a few reasons why pets vomit. Diseases such as pancreatitus, kidney or liver failure, Addison’s Disease, inner ear problems, hyperthyroidism in cats, ulcers, canine distemper or parvovirus, feline panleukopenia are some. Toxins and foreign objects can be the culprits […]