To guard the health of your cat be aware of any changes such as unusual behavior, not eating well, drinking more, using the litter box frequently. If you notice any change in your cat, it’s probably time for a trip to the vet. In order to maintain the health of your cat, take him/her for […]
Cat Articles
This is a listing of all general cat articles.

A Cat’s Whiskers
A cat’s whiskers are not just pretty adornments. The serve useful functions that cats cannot do without. Cats have whiskers on several areas of their bodies. They are located on the sides of the nose, approximately 12 on each side in 4 horizontal rows. There are shorter whiskers above the eyebrows, on the chin and […]

Teacup Designer Cats
Kim Kardashian of a TV Reality show was seen with her newest purchase – a teacup Persian cat. Some breeding cats carry a gene that makes them smaller than normal size. After several years of breeding, the teacup cat is so small, full-grown, it weighs half of what the standard for the breed does. It […]

How do I treat ear mites in cats?
If your cat scratches his ears frequently or shakes his head, the problem could be ear mites. Ear mites are tiny parasites that can cause yeast and bacterial infections. If left untreated, the ear drum could rupture resulting in seizures or deafness. Ear mites are highly contagious and can be passed to other pets in […]

Black Cat and Dog Syndrome
Did you know that shelters report that black cats and dogs are most often overlooked because of their color? They are the last pets people choose to adopt because they are black. I couldn’t believe it, but sadly it’s true. There are cultures, including our own, that believe black cats (and dogs too) are unlucky […]

Understanding Arthritis in Cats and Dogs
Humans aren’t the only ones who have to deal with arthritis. Dogs and cats are both susceptible to it as they age. Arthritis is sometimes caused by infection of the joint, but most likely it’s just due to wear and tear throughout the years. Unfortunately, pets can’t explain their symptoms, which can make it hard […]

The Pregnant Cat
First signs of pregnancy in a cat occur about 3 weeks after mating.Gestation in cats is 9 weeks, about 65 days. The number of kittens will determine how much the abdomen will become distended. During the last 3 weeks the kittens will put on much weight. If you’re unsure about the pregnancy it’s advisable for […]

The Glowing Cat – All About Cat Eyes
If you’ve ever seen a cat’s eyes in the dark, they appear to glow. Unlike humans who need artificial or moon light to see in the dark, cats can see using only 1/6 of the light humans require. In low light cat’s pupils open very wide. In bright sunlight they are able to contract and […]

The Bionic Cat
A cat in England met with a terrible accident when his legs were severed by a combine harvester while he was dozing in the sun. Oscar’s local vet in Jersey referred him to Dr. Noel Fitzpatrick in Surrey after the accident last October. Dr. Fitzpatrick, a veterinary surgeon, implanted two prosthetic limbs in an operation […]

Signs of a Cat in Heat
The medical term for coming into heat is oestrus. Signs of your cat going into heat are usually fairly obvious. She will become more affectionate towards you. She’ll often rub her hind quarters against anything available including furniture and you. She will lick her genital area frequently. Her urine will contain more estrogen and the […]