Feral cats are getting a new lease on life through a work program. The Voice for Animals Foundation, founded by Melya Kaplan, is a non-profit organization originating in San Francisco, California. And they have developed a program putting some feral cats to work called appropriately, Working Cats Program. The cats are first captured and then […]
Cat Adoption

Adopting 2 Cats Together
You’re all set to go to the shelter to adopt a cat – one cat. Arriving at the shelter, a member of the staff shows you around the adoptable cats area and you notice a particular twosome that are caged together. Watching them interact, you realize that they share more than just an enclosure – […]

Should You Adopt One Cat Or Two?
Once you have made the decision to bring a cat into your home and family, you may want to consider getting two instead of one. Advantages of adopting two cats Two cats can play together, satisfying each others need for physical and emotional interaction. Sometimes a cat with behavior problems will become well-behaved when another […]

How to choose a kitten
Decide what gender you want your cat to be. This will have influence to the future mating seasons and for the way of contraception. When you buy a cat, is very important to choose an animal with good character. It is easy to know. It should be playful, vibrant, and have appetite. No wonder such […]

Choosing a Cat from a Shelter
An animal shelter can be an overwhelming place. So many adorable cats are in need of a good home, so how do you choose the one that’s right for you? Examine prospective pets to make sure they look healthy. Their ears should be clean, nose shiny and without discharge and eyes clear and bright (also […]

June is Adopt a Shelter Cat Month
Shelter cats should be considered for adoption all year, but June has been designated as a special month for adoption. There are several things you can do to celebrate Shelter Cat Adoption Month. Visit your local shelter. Take a friend or two along. Volunteer to help in any capacity they may need you. Become a […]