Bartonellosis is a bacterial disease in pets which can also affect humans. It is caused by a bacteria known as Bartonella and is sometimes called Cat Scratch Disease, although not always transmitted that way. Dogs become infected with bartonellosis through fleas, ticks, sand flies and lice. Dogs that spend a lot of time outdoors such […]
Your Health
Pets can have an effect on your health. On the positive side, caring for a pet has many health benefits, both psychologically and physically. However, there are also some health risks to owning a pet. This page contains resources which tell you about the health benefits of caring for a pet, how you can safeguard your health while taking care of a pet and what issues to watch out for.

Therapy Animals
Dogs, cats and horses are not the only animals partnering as therapy pets. Many different species can form an animal-human bond. However, pet therapy organizations accept only domesticated animals for of course, their temperaments are much more reliable. Wild and exotic animals don’t have the personalities or cannot be tamed to meet the criteria for […]

Therapy Cats
Animal Assisted Therapy uses different types of animals to treat people. While dogs are mainly used, cats are being recognized as able to participate in some therapy programs. Cats suited for the programs must be calm, people-oriented, like to be touched, can be still for long periods of time. Therapy cats must be a minimum […]

Pets for Allergy Sufferers
Allergies don’t have to stop you from acquiring a pet. It’s important to understand though, that there are no pets that are totally non-allergenic. The idea is to find the pet that you have little or no reaction to. There are a number of different types of pets that produce very low allergens and can […]

Animal Experiments, Cruel, Unecessary and Harmful to Human Health
Contents 1 Natural affinity to animals 2 Animal abilities 3 Exploitation 4 Use in research 5 Why it’s unjustified 6 Examples of when it’s gone wrong 7 Challenging the Justification 8 HRA’s work 9 What individuals can do to oppose animal experiments 10 Conclusion Natural affinity to animals A majority of Australian households include one […]

Novovirus and Dogs
A recent study led by Dr. Maja Summa of Finland’s University of Helsinki, Department of Food Hygiene and Environmental Health, has shown that dogs can transmit novovirus to humans. The researchers believe that dogs, especially those in contact with young children, contract the virus and become carriers. The novovirus causes gastroenteritis and diarrheal disease in […]

Take Your Dog to Work Day
June 22nd is Take Your Dog to Work Day. This Pet Sitters International idea has taken hold, encouraging adoption of dogs from shelters and rescues. It’s an opportunity for everyone in the workplace to share their love of their furpals. Of course there may be some places that can’t accommodate dogs. But if your boss […]

Rabies is a deadly virus transmitted by a bite from an infected animal. Rabies is rare in the United States thanks to the program of vaccination. However, if you have been bitten by a stray dog, cat or wild animal such as a raccoon, skunk, fox or bat, go to an emergency unit immediately. Rabies, […]

Reptile Pets and Salmonella
Contact with a reptile is a major source of salmonella infection. About half the cases of salmonella in children under the age of 5 are caused by this. About 90% of all reptile pets carry salmonella. They may sometimes shed it in their feces, which causes it to remain on surfaces for a long period […]

The Food and Drug Administration’s Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM) is responsible for assuring that animal drugs and medicated feeds are safe and effective and that food from treated animals is safe to eat. In 1968, the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act was amended to include animal drugs. CVM works to educate consumers as […]